Sir Brian Souter, who is campaigning against Google’s manipulation of search engine results, is today (14.9.11) calling on website owners to contact him if their sites have been blocked by Google.
Sir Brian’s official website mysteriously disappeared from Google searches on August 13. Until that point was one of the first listings which showed up if you typed the term “Brian Souter” into the Google search bar.
“We know other sites have met with a similar fate,” said Gordon Beattie PR and media adviser to Sir Brian. “We would like specific examples so that we can pass the information on to Westminster’s Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
“We will also pass the details to the European Union’s antitrust investigation which is looking into Google’s manipulation of search engine results.”
To send a message to Sir Brian, please visit the Contact page on this website.
Sir Brian spoke out earlier in the week against Google saying it is restricting free speech by censoring what websites can and can’t be seen.
He believes search engines damage their credibility in the eyes of users if they fail to maintain editorial neutrality.